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My baby!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Another yucky day

You know, I often wonder how much bad stuff a person is required to take before they are allowed to totally freak out and break stuff. One of my employees called in sick AGAIN!! I had to go do her work and mine. Then I found out that there is not enough money in the account to make payroll, the car payment is over two weeks late and THEN I go to town and get a speeding ticket. 60 in a 40. I think I will lose my license this time! Finally I went to fax some papers to Kaplan and the fax guy is a JERK and the fax machine would not work anyway! I give up!


  1. Yes, life can throw some very hard curve balls, but we can catch a few of them and throw them back ;-) Let's face it, some things you have no control over. Don't get angry, laugh about it. It seems whenever I allow negativity to invade and take charge, negative things continued to come my way. So I stop sweating the things that I can not change/control...It works for me!

  2. Thank you for the great advice and positive outlook. I will certainly try to see the bright side of things and not to worry so much about things out of my control. Good luck to you!
